Sunday, April 09, 2006

Uncle Steve's View of the TV with Speck in his lap!

Sunny Day in Minnesota

We had great weather this weekend. Aunt Kathy took me for a walk around Lake Harriet today. She has the right idea. We drive to the lake, walk around the lake, and then drive home. I don't care how much gas costs, walking to Lake Harriet is just too far! It is fun to walk around the lake and have everybody tell me how cute I am. I try to be modest, but I am just too cute.

Uncle Steve is spending most of the weekend doing homework. It is not too bad because he reads a lot in my lazyboy, and it is hard to tell if the lazyboy is more comfortable with Uncle Steve in it or without Uncle Steve in it. I can see more out the window with him in it.

Glad to hear you are having a great time. I am not sure what a light fixture for the dining room is. Is it something I can eat? Have you checked out doggie treats in Italy? If there is something you think I might like, then I would be happy to dance around and show you how much I will like it. Or maybe a fancy Italien leather doggy coat! I bet I would look good in leather!!!

Have fun.

The Speckster

Teaching Aunt Kathy

A Quiet Saturday in Minnesota

We had some really quality chair time today. Both Aunt Kathy and Uncle Steve spent time reading in their favorite chairs and I was right there to keep them company. Uncle Steve said I did a little peddling in my sleep while I was in his lap, but that's OK. It was a great dream. (The squirrel didn't make it!)

As you can see in the picture, I have trained Aunt Kathy to play with my toys too. She wasn't quite as easy to train as Uncle Steve, but she is really good at it. And when she gets tired, she has Uncle Steve trained to take my place. Boy, this is really a great place to stay!

Have fun on your trip!



Saturday, April 08, 2006


Uncle Steve Fell Asleep!

I tried to get Uncle Steve to help me with my blog last night, but he fell asleep in my lazyboy upstairs. It was also really hard to get him out of bed this morning, so we are a little late with Friday's blog.

Uncle Steve got home about 2:30, so we went for a walk. I always get really excited when Uncle Steve asks me if I want to go for a walk. About 45 minutes later I remember that Uncle Steve's idea of a walk and other people's idea of a walk are two entirely different things. We went all the way down to Lake Harriet and back. He said that it was too windy or we would have gone up to Lake Calhoun too. I made it just fine, but I think that had something to do with both of us falling asleep in my lazyboy.

Florence sounds really neat, but I bet they would let puppies into those museums! I can do bridges though.

Keep having fun. I let you know what we do today later. So far Uncle Steve had been doing homework and I've been watching him from my lazyboy.


The Speckster

Thursday, April 06, 2006

My other Chair!

Aunt Kathy Turns 55!!!!

You would not believe the ballon that Aunt Kathy brought home from school today! The thing is 15" wide, has some really obnoxious characters on it, and it sings "Happy Birthday". Uncle Steve had it sent to Aunt Kathy's school. Aunt Kathy said she thought it was funny the fist few times she heard it, but apparently every teacher in the building had to come in to her room and make it play. Each time the ballon sang happy birthday, her kids got up and started dancing around. Aunt Kathy said her student teacher was starting to get really ticked at Uncle Steve. There were flowers that went with the ballon. The flowers stayed at school, but the student teacher said, "The balloon has to go home or I won't be here tomorrow!!!"

Today's picture is me in my upstairs chair. I can check out the back yard from this chair, so Uncle Steve and Aunt Kathy know that the house is well protected during the day.

Glad to hear you are having a good time in Florence. It sounds really neat!!!


The Speckster

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Speck and Uncle Steve playing with the ball and bear!

All Quiet on the Mnnesota Front

It was a quiet day here. Aunt Kathy took me for a walk around the neighborhood. I had a vigorous conversation with the two golden retrievers next door. They have to know who is boss around here too! Uncle Steve didn't get home until 9:30 tonight. I made him play ball with me on the living room floor for quite some time. He really looked like he needed that!

I also want to thank you for training Uncle Steve to know when I get cold at night. I stood and stared at him last night when it got a little chilly and he knew that I needed the covers lifted up so I could get warm. Aunt Kathy slept through the whole thing, so it is a good thing that you trained Uncle Steve.

Have fun in Florence (whereever that is!).


The Speckster

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Cute Eggs in Trees. Even Cuter Me!!!

Easter Eggs on the Trees!!!

It was a long day today. Uncle Steve worked until 5:30 and Aunt Kathy until 6:00! They were really nice to me when the finally got home, so I didn't punish them too much. After dinner they took me for a walk around Lake Harriet. I couldn't believe that there were eggs hanging from the trees. I wanted to eat one, but they wouldn't let me. A picture is attached so you can see how cute the trees are (even if my cuteness sort of makes their cuteness pale in comparison.)

By the time we got home I was ready for a nap, so I'll make this quick. I did have to do a little re-training of Uncle Steve last night. When he gets up in the night to go to that other small room he is supposed to rub my tummy when he gets back. I rolled over and made it perfectly clear what he was supposed to do. He gave it sort of a half-hearted effort, so I put my nose under his hand and practically showed him what to do. He is a quick learner though. I am sure tonight he will do it just right!

Have fun!!!


The Speckster!!!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Helping Uncle Steve with His Dinner

Speck Helping Uncle Steve in the Kitchen

Glad to hear that you arrived and are having a good time. As you can see in the picture, I got to help Uncle Steve make his dinner tonight. He works way too hard. He leave at 6:15 a.m. and does not get home until 8:00 p.m. I played with him awhile to let him unwind and then helped with dinner. He is more fun to help than Aunt Kathy. He drops a lot of stuff!

I let those @#$$%#@#$@^@!@*** basset hounds know who the boss is today. They had the nerve to walk right by my window. They now know that this is not an acceptable practice.

When you go to the Vatican, say high to the Pope for me. I bet he knows how cute that I am!


The Speckster

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Speck Helping Aunt Kathy in the Kitchen!

Mom and Dad Go to Italy

Just wanted to let you know that I am settled in at Aunt Kathy and Uncle Steve's. I got to help Aunt Kathy make dinner. I don't know how she survives without my help. I was right there ready, willing, and able to clean up the floor anytime she dropped the least little morsel.

I also helped Uncle Steve watch Desperate Housewives! He is getting so old I had to lick him in the face to keep him awake, although Terri Hatcher did seem to keep him more awake than the other housewives.

Have fun on your trip, because you know that I am having fun here!!!

The Speckster