Saturday, January 07, 2012

All Quiet on the Speckster Front

As you can see, I'm being well taken care of.  Sometimes I sleep on the bed upstairs.  Sometimes I sleep on the couch downstairs.  Sometimes I sleep on the stairs in between.  When I'm not sleeping, I'm barking at Aunt Kathy and Uncle Steve.  Uncle Steve understands.  When you get old, and everything hurts, you just need to bark at people.

Uncle Steve blocked Aunt Kathy in the garage with his car, so I got to go for a ride around the block to the front of the house.  I wish it had been longer.  Uncle Steve must eat a lot in the car, because I was finding all kinds of crumbs to suck down.  The nice part about going deaf is that I bet he was yelling at me to stop, but I didn't hear a thing. (Like that would have mattered!)

Aunt Kathy showed me the picture of you and Dad on the jet. La-di-dah!!! Are they going to make you walk back?  I am more than a little jealous. Don't they allow puppies (and I use the word loosely) on corporate jets? I'd even stop barking at people if you would have taken me!


The Speckster


At 8:11 PM, Blogger Evil Cake Genius said...

Hi Speck,
glad to hear your barking at AK and US as much as you do at us. Try to give them a break every once in a while or they might lose tgeir hearing too.

We made it to LA with the birthday cakes still looking and acting ike cakes. That's a relief. The head chef at the hotel is super nice, and has given us the whole pastry kitchen and walk in cooler. So far, we've been down there to check on the cakes twice, but will probably check once more before bed tonight. Tomorrow, we will set up the cake and top the 300 mini birthday cakes with the little rosettes that kept mama at work until 12:20 on Wednesday night, the frosting tags that kept mama at work until 11:15 on Tuesday night, and then garnish the plates with the 6,000 fondant polka dots that kept mama at work until 12:30 on Thursday night. Come to think of it, seems like I've already been away from home this week.
Well,we'll need to spend some quality time when we get home. Meantime, enjoy the AK and US time your getting!
Love, Mom and Dad


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