Saturday, December 08, 2007

Lazy Day in Minnesota

Uncle Steve's lap is soooo comfortable!!!!

Aunt Kathy came and rescued me just fine Friday afternoon. Apparently Uncle Steve had some students who needed some special attention, so he got home after Aunt Kathy. They went out to dinner, but hurried home so I could take care of them.

Saturday morning was so cold. I needed to go outside, but I was doing my best to levitate so my dainty little paws didn't freeze to the ground. Aunt Kathy usually goes for a walk around Lake Harriet on Saturday morning, but we stayed on the couch in the living room and laughed at the people outside. Uncle Steve went to Lifetime Fitness and said the place was packed. As you can see in the picture, I am getting plenty of quality lap time. Uncle Steve is so kind as to do a lot of reading so I can keep is stomach warm. However, I wonder how much reading he can do with his eyes shut and his mouth snoring as loud as a freight train. I could barely hear the golden retrievers barking.

Uncle Steve also has a new camera that is is practicing to use for their trip to Hawaii, so here are some extra pictures of cute, little, old me!!!!


The Speckster


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